As you all know, the biggest Kpop event in Malaysia will be happening tonight at 8 p.m. DiGi is generous enough to bring us not 1, not 2 but 3 Kpop idols (Beast, 4Minute and G.Na) to perform just for Malaysian Kpop lover. All the idols except Dongwoon from Beast safely arrived yesterday around 5 p.m while Dongwoon arrived a little bit late around 12 a.m. due to his commitment as a college student.
Meanwhile, Kikwang from Beast however is unable to attend this event due to scheduling conflict where he have to do a recording for a TV program. Despite all that, other idols are able to attend the event. So, here are some pictures taken at today's press conference.



and BEAST!

Beast, 4Minute and G.Na from G.Na's yfrog
Written by: Aikara @MYKPOP
Picture: DiGi Youths
Fully credit if taken out and no additional credit.
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